Tuesday, April 1, 2008


When you remember me
Know in your heart that you were truly loved by me
And even my life was yours
Let my memories fill your days
And my warmth keep you from the cold nights,
Let my light shine through you
For you were the love of my life.
My children’s laughter will remind you of me
But please do not feel sorrow
Just love them as you had loved me.
Rock my children gently and softly sing to them
And I will be with you
Even as I was then,
The sunrise and the sunset will disappear in time
Do not look at them and shed tears
They are only signs.
Like the sunrise we live,
Sharing our love until the last
And like the sunset we die,
But our beauty is remembered by those whose hearts we touched.
I leave you not by choice but my calling came,
I have not deserted you
But will be present even after my departure.
I must return to my creator now,
But please remember that I am always with you
And if you ever cry
I will be crying too because I honestly love you.

Copyright 2008 by Anna Sahadeo